We have created some "rituals" in our family for bedtime. There is the obvious get your jam jams on, brush your teeth, go to bed routine- all of which it seems no matter how many times we repeat the instructions during this time- nobody follows them! It is always - can't we stay up just a little longer! Or someone all of the sudden comes down with a condition that requires mom's attention in the living room- nowhere close to the bedrooms.
Once the routine is done, it's time to get in bed. Usually it is prayers with mommy and daddy, a back scratch and a song. Sometimes it involves a creative story from daddy or a recap of the days "roses and thorns". Then always followed with a kiss goodnight and an I love you.
I remember when the 3 little kiddos moved in with my parents (my parents were their first foster placement). Bedtime was not fun. Bedtime seemed to bring back troubling memories or trigger something for them. How far they have come....
Yet they all have their "Thing" to sleep with. For my stubborn mighty man- it is usually the wish that the dog will stay cuddled up next to him. If he gets his wish, his thumb is in his mouth and he is asleep in seconds. For my wise leader man, it is usually a flashlight and a good book.
Then there is the wildflower girl. She is a different story. She usually has about 20 toys in bed with her- all tucked into some kind of cover. They all need sung to and prayed with. The girl sure does like her company in bed!!
Tonight it was her own makeshift nativity set in bed with her- a fabric stable, a plastic sheep, a dog ornament, a fairy doll, and a plastic cow- all under the stable, tucked under the covers
We sang Silent Night together to her friends as she fell drifted into her dream.
What 3 little sleeping angels we are blessed with...I know parents say they grow up so fast- and we didn't even get their first years with them- so I have to remember to cherish these nights!
What a great story of Gods love in action! You must be one amazing person!